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Healing with Linda

Hypnotherapy and Energy Healing
in Paleros at the Ionian Sea



Together, we get to
the root of the issue,
we take the root out
and healing sets in

With Hypnotherapy I offer to heal psychosomatic issues such as anxiety, fear, phobia, trauma, sadness, feelings of loneliness, anger, despair, confusion, of not being ok, of not being good enough, of being rejected or unloved… Name it - and together we proceed to reset and to transform your thought and your behaviour patterns, to heal your emotions and to improve the quality of your daily life.

Each emotion roots in a primarily experienced situation. While your conscious mind/your reason is not aware of it, unprocessed/painful experiences from the past are stored in your subconscious. Any situation that is faintly similar to the primary painful experience triggers you and sets off an emotion, a reaction, a chain of events, that are not supportive of a harmonious way to live your life. You might experience that your emotions and reactions are both repetitive and disproportionate to the actual situation. But - though your reason knows, you can’t help reacting in another way. By a precise technique we get to the root of the problem. Imagine that we take the root out and that, by doing so, any emotional pain is being transformed surprisingly fast. Hypnosis is a holistic treatment method and has a healing effect on body, spirit and soul. As Hypnotherapy is a fast and efficient method to free yourself from a long carried burden, a life changing transformation process sets in.

Dr Preetz Hypnosis Technique Seal

During the sessions I use the Preetz Hypnotherapy method. "Preetz-Hypnosis" is a precise, efficient and cause-related therapy. While in a normal state of consciousness we are aware of multiple sensations, the focus of your attention will precisely be led to set on a particular perception. During this process any negative programming of the subconscious (negative thoughts, emotions, as well as limiting convictions and beliefs) are being neutralized and reprogrammed. The hypnosis session has a calming and harmonising effect on your inner rhythms such as a calm and slower breathing, a balanced cardio-vascular activity (heart rate, blood pressure), the muscle tone decreases and the stress hormon level drops. After the Preetz-Hypnosis session you will be aware of a change in your thoughts, actions and emotions.

Hypnotherapy - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Healing with Linda

Healing with Linda

What is the process to book a session?

1. In a preliminary step - by a phone call or simply by a message via email, WhatsApp, Telegram or through the contact form of the website - you tell me what the problem is that you are facing. Such as: Do you panic in front of an audience? Are you shy with the opposite sex? Are you afraid of flying, of passing a test? Are you afraid to fail a job interview?

2. In a next step we proceed to a phone call on WhatsApp or on Telegram, during which we talk about the problem that you want to solve and about the solution that you are aiming at. As well I will provide you with useful information about Hypnotherapy and about our upcoming session. This phone call is free and should not exceed a time limit of 30 minutes.

3. Before we proceed to the actual session I will email you a questionnaire in which you fill in information about your history

4. In case you have no experience with Hypnotherapy we usually proceed to a “soft” introductive session. A first warming up regression allows you to familiarize yourself with the techniques and to fully trust the procedure -before - in a second session, we dive deeper.

How long does a session last?

The first, introductive Hypnotherapy session takes about plus/minus 1 hour, while a second session - when we dive deeper - usually takes about plus/minus 2 hours.

How many sessions are needed?

Depending on your topic, one session might be sufficient. A fear rooted emotion such as a spider phobia or the fear to speak in public takes a single session, while multi-layered topics such as addictions or depressions take up more sessions. A bundle of life long accumulated burdens cannot miraculously be cured in 2 hours. But what we can do, is detecting the issue that currently bothers you the most. And then we go from there. The specific topic is determined previous to the Hypnotherapy session.

How does online Hypnotherapy work?

According to your choice, we conduct the Hypnotherapy session on WhatsApp or on Zoom. You should be in a room where no major disruptive factors such as unexpected visitors intervene. Background noises will not harm the procedure. You should be in a comfortable sitting or lying position. Make sure the internet connection is stable and that your device is fully charged.

How much does a Hypnotherapy session cost?

The phone call during which we frame the problem and during which I provide you with information about the therapy is free of charge. If we agree on an appointment, you pay prior the Hypnotherapy session. The fee will be agreed during the first, informative phone call.

Is Hypnotherapy dangerous?

Hypnosis is nothing like the phenomena propagated in media. It is merely a state of deep relaxation during which you will be aware of background noises and of any other surrounding factors.

It is a natural state of mind that you experience on a daily basis without being consciously aware of it. Think of it as being similar to daydreaming. To being absorbed in a good book, to be lost in thoughts while driving and missing the exit. With the Preetz-Hypnosis technique, this state of mind is being prolonged during a Hypnotherapy session.

The same as with being absorbed in a book or driving while daydreaming, you can’t possibly be forced at any moment whatsoever into saying or into doing something that is not fully in agreement with your values, with your will and with your beliefs. In fact you choose what you are willing to say, you choose to speak things out and you choose to keep things secret. As a person can choose to lie, Hypnotherapy cannot be used as proof in a court of justice.

You can get out at any moment of a state of Hypnosis. Stories of being held in a state of Hypnosis are fictions propagated by movies, tv shows any other media. The moment you choose to get out of Hypnosis, you do so.

Does Hypnotherapy replace medical treatment?

Hypnotherapy does not replace any medical treatment, it has a supportive effect on your health and well-being.

How does a Hypnotherapy session affect me?

You will experience a surprisingly quick change in your behaviour due to the newly anchored change(s) in your mindset. Your subconscious will be triggered and stirred, as a consequence the session will have sustainable effects. You will notice that your fear has subsided, that your behaviour has changed. Often you will have remarkably meaningful dreams after the Hypnotherapy session. This experience is a road to your personal freedom.

What happens during a Hypnotherapy session?

Nothing happens other than you being in a state of deep relaxation. BUT a BONUS sets in. With the precise techniques of the Preetz-Hypnosis, we gain access to your subconcious.

By bypassing the "bouncer" = your reasoning, your rationality, your conscious beliefs

A bouncer who,

  • only lets familiar thoughts enter his exclusive club
  • can even be negative
  • does not serve you anymore

By bypassing the bouncer, whose way of thinking rules your life, we both invite and anchor new, more fitting and more beneficial beliefs into your life.

Energy Healing

We restore the balance
and flow of energy
throughout the body,
mind, and soul

According to the "Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum reality" our reality is determined by the focus of our attention. Among innumerable possibilities, our specific thoughts create our daily experiences. As a consequence, if we shift our focus by having different thoughts and beliefs, by having a new perspective of reality, we create a change both in ourselves and in the fields surrounding us; such as in our family, at work, in our relationship with a partner or with friends. Everything is energy. In the field of Quantum physics, Poponin and Gariaev published 1995 an article about a series of experiments proving that photons made new arrangements in space when human DNA was added. As well, with the DNA being removed, the photons maintained their structure as if the DNA was still present. The immediate effect of the human DNA on particles leads to the conclusion that each observer has his own effect on the energy fields surrounding him. Energy Healing operates in these fields. I perceive the energetic vibrations of a person and -from this field- I receive information about where a person currently stands in life and in what area support or healing is needed. I pass these information on. During this process a shift of consciousness will be experienced by the person. Imagine that your perspective is being changed in the way of a computer reset. Negative beliefs are being transformed into beneficial and pro-active mind patterns. The information are always in favour of your well-being and of your personal growth. After the session you will experience a feeling of lightness, of being freed from a burden. A shift of consciousness can have life transforming effects.

Energy Healing - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Healing with Linda

Healing with Linda

What is the process to book a session?

1. In the first step, we shortly talk about the topic, problem or concern you wish to work on -  via a phone call, WhatsApp or Telegram. The we schedule an appointment for the upcoming Energy Healing session.

2. The session can take place Online - according to your choice, we conduct the Energy Healing session on WhatsApp or Zoom - or in person at my therapy room in Paleros.

How long does a session last?

An Energy Healing session normally last between 1 and 2 hours.

How much does an Energy Healing session cost?

The initial phone call during which we talk about the problem and I provide you with information about the therapy is free of charge. If we agree on an appointment, you pay prior the Energy Healing session online or in person. The fee will be agreed during the first, informative phone call.

How does an Energy Healing session affect me?

You will experience a feeling of lightness, easiness and joy in life. A new sense of clarity will allow you to take a different, pro-active perspective on things and to handle situations in your daily life with more ease.

Does Energy Healing replace medical treatment?

Energy Healing does not replace any medical treatment, it has a supportive effect on your health and well-being.

What happens during an Energy Healing session?

I will provide you with information that is specifically targeted for your needs at this particular moment in your life. The information is always beneficial and in favour of your own personal growth.
I will pass on positive suggestions and/or/eventually, depending on each respective person,
I will pass on a practice(s) or exercice(s) to do, food suggestions, colours, natural elements that are favourable for your well-being.

„Linda is wonderful, rare and special – both as a person and a healer. I have experienced both Hypnotherapy and Energy Healing with Linda, who is incredibly skilled at what she does and a wonderfully calming person. Our sessions have taken me to a place of calming mental relief that I have never managed to reach with conventional therapy before. I will be forever thankful for that.

– Holly / England

“I was very pleased with my Hypnotherapy session. It was my very first hypnosis session and I did not know what to expect. First, we discussed my concerns over the phone. Linda explained the whole procedure in great details to me. Then we did the hypnotherapy and the coaching session online. During the whole session I felt completely supported by Linda. I got completely new insights concerning my life patterns, and I absolutely want to have another session.”

– Sandy H. / Luxemburg

“Linda helped with my work-related stress. We had a face to face session, and I am feeling like a new person with a much clearer mind. Working as an engineer on building sites, I still have the same amount of stress as before the session, but I realized that I react to it differently. I am not exploding anymore when a difficult situation arises, I feel calmer and I do what needs to be done in more a relaxed way. This alone is already amazing to me. I look forward to another session.”

– Yiannis / Greece

Book an Appointment

Contact Linda via

WhatsApp, phone, email or simply send a message through the contact form on this website.

Non Resistance, Healing With Linda


  • Online session
  • In person session in Paleros
    at the Ionian Sea, Greece